Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Draft - Interview Bit

Just got this up. Not perfect, but it'll give us an idea. Written in the past tense as of course this will be alllll done in a week or so. Looking to do the interviews next Weds as don't think I'll be going in on Monday.

Interviews give designers the opportunity to question users on a one-on-one basis. The technique allows users to not only receive responses to their pre-ordained inquiries, but gives them the opportunity to ask follow-up questions. We have done semi-structured interviews (as opposed to structured interviews) so that the flexibility these allow will give us the opportunity for new ideas and topics that we may not ordinarily have envisioned when considering the user requirements.

We approached students who we noticed were using Wi-Fi around the Ipswich campus. Whilst it was initially difficult to find users who were able to take the 15 minutes to participate in the study, persistence and the offer of a free drink enabled us to get the required number of participants.

The information gathered in the interviews were then used to develop the personas and scenarios used in the second and third stages of the interaction inquiry.

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